What Is An International Business Company?
An "IBC" is a separate legal entity similar to a domestic incorporated company, created under the authority of a statute. The primary difference is the allowance in certain "Havens" of a tax-exempt status, in order to attract new business to their otherwise remote location. A Company is a separate legal "person" for tax reporting purposes.
Why Should I Buy An IBC?
An IBC is a globally recognized legal entity or form of doing business, which is treated as a separate "person" allowing the Company to be responsible for it’s own risks and rewards. The limiting of risk is a key factor with most experienced business people, and the unlimited life-span of a company makes it a great vehicle for passing your successful enterprise on to your family, and is mostly used for holding private investment capital securely offshore in a tax-free country.
What Are the Main Advantages of an IBC?
There are many advantages to moving assets offshore, some of these are:
Reduction of Tax Liability - Through International tax planning - a foreign jurisdiction can offer unparalleled opportunities for tax free revenue, plus repatriate money tax-free.
- Investment Holdings - Higher returns and no tax burden allows funds to double offshore every 2-3 years instead of every 15-20 years onshore.
- Asset Protection - To secure against future claims such as judgment, divorce proceedings, bankruptcy, creditors and litigation.
- Confidentiality - From claimants, ex-spouse, competitors, and other parties from whom you wish to keep your business interests private; and
- Estate Planning - Family and Protective Trusts for accumulation of investment income and long-term benefits for beneficiaries on a favourable tax basis (without inheritance, income, or capital gains taxes);
What Can an IBC Do?
Your IBC can act in many ways, for example it can:
- Open a bank account, make deposits and transact globally.
- Manage offshore investments such as term deposits, bonds, stocks, mutual funds, CDs, etc.
- Provide consulting, management, or professional services (and hire you).
- Own a Corporate credit card, and allow you to cover your legitimate expenses using it.
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